October Kindness

autumn berries

Oh October, I’m already missing you! All the colours, freshness and coziness you have brought to our days.

Last day of October Squares, It was great to register a few moments of kindness during this month. Below is a gallery with all the photos. Check here if you wish to have a pick at my July Perspectives and compare summer and autumn photos. Thanks Becky for the lovely challenge.

October Squares – Kind

A view

Lunch time view from my office

The campus used to be full of students at this time of the year since is the middle of the term.

Today they would be wearing costumes and they would visit all the departments to get treats. The faculty would be dressed up too to give treats. I would wear my old witch hat, and a spider stick on my hand.

Halloween at the university is a tradition that we all look forward to. The students, most of them young adults, behave like kids. It’s lots of fun to watch them discussing their treats with their peers and commenting on which department has given the best ones. I love to see their costumes and the smile on their faces.

This year, with all the classes online, it’s difficult to spot a student on campus. I hope they find a way to enjoy themselves this Halloween.

October Squares – Kind


The is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.

There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.

You feel it, don’t you?


I took this photo at 7 am today. It was pitch-dark outdoors. I could feel the stillness in the air. I lit a few candles and journaled. This last week of October is special to me in same way. I’m not sure why, maybe the darkness and changes outdoors, the need to focus inwards … It’s OK! I don’t need to understand, I need to be present and to be kind to myself.

Have a great and Nurturing Thursday.

October Squares – Kind


in my studio

When the softness of the colours explains much more about my feelings than words and images. When I feel lost and I try to find the answers between lines and dots….

I spent the morning writing and thinking in my studio. The world is loud right now and I crave silence and solitude. I need to look inwards and listen to my soul. I’m an introvert and I always fought with myself about it, I tried to change my essence to please others. Acceptance is the key!

Wishing a lovely Sunday to you!

October Squares – Kind


Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.


I took this photos a few weeks ago when we still had plenty of sunshine. It’s cloudy and raining all this week long. It makes me wonder if we can really reach the start and the end of a rainbow or if it’s better to be content just appreciating it at distance.

October Squares – kind

Nurturing Thursday