Lessons of 2020

2020 has indeed taught us many lessons. The vulnerability has been my major one. I’ve learned that I am vulnerable, I have limits and I need to respect them. I’m not stronger as I was in my 20s and 30s. My body and mind crave more attention. I need to set boundaries. This year I accepted that I’m an introvert and it’s OK to say NO and to prioritize my space, my moments of quiet.

My last post here was in October, I didn’t post anything in November. I had to evaluate my blogging path. I love all the connections and friends I’ve made during these 7 years of blogging. I’ve joined many challenges during the years and enjoyed them, but they were putting pressure on me. I was feeling obligated to post until in days that I had nothing to say. I don’t want this kind of pressure, it’s already enough everything that we go through with family, job… I wish this space to be free, a place that I can fly and create without boundaries, and not deadlines. So, from now on, no more challenges, only a few musings here and there.

Run from what’s comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried prudent planning long enough. From now on I’ll be mad.


I’d be happy to hear how 2020 has been treating you, any lessons?


in my studio

When the softness of the colours explains much more about my feelings than words and images. When I feel lost and I try to find the answers between lines and dots….

I spent the morning writing and thinking in my studio. The world is loud right now and I crave silence and solitude. I need to look inwards and listen to my soul. I’m an introvert and I always fought with myself about it, I tried to change my essence to please others. Acceptance is the key!

Wishing a lovely Sunday to you!

October Squares – Kind

November vision board

I can’t believe it’s already November! This time of the year, more than ever, we need to take care of ourselves. Long nights, cold weather, festivities, …, the perfect recipe for depression. Being an introvert and prone to depression person I need to take care of myself before the winter blues catch me.

Full moon blessing and a wonderful Friday to you!
