new year :: new journal

2024 morning pages journal

Introducing my 2024 journal. A fresh start for the new year with a new journal. This one is a gift from my husband. I love the cover and the pages are thick. I can use markers without staining the back side of the pages.

I always start the year with a new journal for my morning pages. It doesn’t matter how many blank pages I have left from the previous one. I love the feeling of opening it up the first thing in the morning, a new chapter begins.

Of course I have more than one journal going on at the same time. Each one with a different purpose.

2023 journals

Last year I used the blue one for morning pages, the tiny ones on the top for poetry, quotes and daily notes; and the magenta on the bottom for art pages, cards, photos … I’ll keep using some of them in 2024, they still have blank pages or I have bought new inserts for them.

I haven’t made any resolutions for this year, but I’m planning on lots of writing and creative projects. No pressure only going with the flow.

And you? New journals, new resolutions?

Happy 2024!

WDYS – hollow

So I heard
She is old, not worth our time
The storm has broken some of her branches

So I heard
She still has bright leaves
Her shade is kind

So I heard
Birds and squirrels make their home in there
The kids have their swing on her branches

So I heard
The electrical cables will be damage
She can’t hold another storm

So I heard
She is hollow
No more flowers and fruits

So I decided
My aged and deformed hands
Will strongly ground to the Earth

I’ll show my power
And my will
I’ll survive the next storm

Recently, we had a heavy storm with tornados touching down near by. Many trees branches broken, and full trees came down destroying houses, cutting electrical cables …, lots of damage. A few days later the city workers came by and cut many trees, the damaged ones and also some healthy ones. This made me so upset. Now we see the left over from their trunks, some indeed were hollow inside, but others had a strong core. I don’t know much about trees’ health, but it should have a way to check if the tree is doing well or not before cut them off.

Thanksgiving weekend

In Canada, we celebrate thanksgiving this weekend. It’s earlier than the USA thanksgiving celebration. We are up north and the harvest is already in full mode, soon it will be snowing and nothing else to harvest.

It’s a chilly day, 5C/41F this morning. I’m sitting in my living room trying to put words together for this post. Maybe a gratitude list, quotes, poems… not sure what to write.

“What if, today, we were grateful for everything?”

Charlie Brown

So, here are three things I’m grateful for at this moment:

  • Pumpkin pie season – I got the last one in my favourite bakery yesterday, I know they sell the pies as soon as they are ready, but I only had time to stop by later in the afternoon. The shelves were empty, only one pie was waiting for me.
  • Hearing from faraway friends they are ok in spite of the craziness in the world.
  • Making peace with myself, working on acceptance.

“Be present in all things and thankful for all things.”

Maya Angelou

Could you tell me one thing you are grateful today?

Happy Thanksgiving!

WDYS :: maybe

In a future soon to be the past
Magical tea pots will serve you 
Hibiscus tea for sure
My favorite in the present
Maybe not in the future
And for sure not in the past
While a kid I dreamed 
Phones with a screen
As in the cartoons, The Jetsons
Flying cars
And space clothes
Now i cover the camera
I don’t show my face
And for sure not in the future
Maybe when the future turns into the past
I could buy a flying car
Go back to the past
And whisper to the future

Joining Sadje’s WDYS. This image brought me back nice memories, I loved to watch The Jetsons when I was a kid, hope you know this cartoon but maybe you have never heard of it as most of the young people or your country didn’t broadcast American cartoons. It was about a future that it is in most of the part the present now.

WDYS:: Deadline

Image credit; Simon Berger Unsplash

The outdoors is inviting. The golden light beams are dancing between the branches, adorning the leaves as sparkling diamonds. Oh, the leaves couldn’t be more appealing, dressed up in red, orange and yellow.

A few minutes here is enough to recharge me, now n.115 is waiting for me. A dark and claustrophobic room where days and nights blend with one another, a cell I’ve designed for myself to keep the distractions away. The work needs to be done, timing is pressing.

Joining Sadje’s WDYS.

W3 :: Writing

magic ritual
when the true self is revealed
the dawn is welcome

W3 prompt this week is offered by the lovely Sadje. She asks us to:

  • Write: a syllabic poem or: a poem in free verse;
  • Topic: “What inspires you to write?” or: “What inspires you to write poetry?”

I’ve chosen a Senryu (5-7-5 lines) to express my passion for writing, mostly journaling.

WDYS – Approval

Image credit; Jenna Hamra @ Pexels
Am I real?
Can people see me as I am? 
Or I’m an illusion of time and space, I can’t be seen or felt. 
Do I need their approval to be me? To exist? To be plenty?
Is love dependent on feedback, or can love survive in one direction only?

Joining Sadje - WDYS


A flash of light is entering through the window 
Bodies start to stretch after the long night.
Good morning, bonjour, bom dia, buen dia, guten morgen …
Many languages contained in a small space, all the dreams and expectations
A baby babbling at the left, a toddler asking ‘are we there yet?’ at the right
People are moving in the aisle, rushing for the lavatories
The cabin crew is busy, checking if everyone is ok and collecting the night trash
The coffee fragrance spreads along the plane, soon breakfast will be served, the landing approaches.
Welcome to …

Reena’s Xploration Challenge:

“There’s something about arriving in new cities, wandering empty streets with no destination. I will never lose the love for the arriving, but I’m born to leave.” 

Charlotte Eriksson, Empty Roads & Broken Bottles: in search for The Great Perhaps

What do you see – Is it possible

Image credit; Leighann Blackwood @ Unsplash
Is it possible to explain love
To someone who never loved before
Using pen as a tool
Is it possible ordinary words
Describe how profound and infinite
Love is
To the fools that never loved before
Words and love 
there is no place
In their hearts
A flame is powerful 
A way to erase the abstract feeling
Only known to who truly feels it
Is it possible …
Joining Sadje - WDYS