Nurt Thurs :: Expression

Refreshing and creating

Expression is the essence of thought.

Tony Calderone

We all need fresh air from time to time, to open up our mind and let our feelings surface. It’s like that say: Thinking outside the box!

Expression is the mystery of beauty.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

There are so many rules and directions to be followed for each task at any moment. We get lost in the middle of them. Where is the creativity in all of this?

To express one’s inner self so that others can understand you, is art. If your expressions are elevated and beautiful, it is good art.


Sharing with Nurturing Thursday.

The day after :: Etheree

Woman, Lips, Clouds, Sky, Flash
Pixabay image
The plain truth
Moment between
Waiting for a sign
Tears turned out diamonds
In the middle of the fog
She knows, the mirror does not lie
Scars are embroidered into laces
The exhausting cries now sound like a valse

I’ve chosen the theme for this week’s Tanka Tuesday Challenge: The day after. With many things going on in this world right now, that I thought we should look ahead a little bit and maybe see some light.

Dimension, Gogyoka

Image Credit: Unknown

This week Tanka Tuesday challenge’s prompt is a photo prompt. I soon as I saw this photo I had the feeling of isolation, being lost in the middle of the forest. When I looked closer at it, I saw the girl had a certain contentment in her expression, it’s like she had chosen to be there, she was fine and protected by the tree in the background.

Carried away to another dimension
Leaving behind all the struggling and oppression
She is free and protected now
Breathing deeply and staring ahead
Solitude won't be dreaded

Nurt Thurs – Shadows

light and shadows

The eye is always caught by light, but shadows have more to say.

Gregory Maguire

Reading between the lines, seeing behind the expressions, listening to my intuition! As I get older I’m learning to see the truth, that most of the time is hidden by smiles, nice words, misplaced acts.

Sharing with Nurturing Thursday.

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day, I was planning to start this post with Happy Earth Day!  I decided not to add the word Happy. Why?

Is it really fair to say the word happy at this time with so much pain in the world?

The Earth is infested with a virus that is killing many people, destroying families, jobs, and life per si because of human’s careless actions. At the same time, the WHO, healthy officials, and politicians are dealing with the situation as if it was a game.

So, there is no happy, just Earth Day! I do hope that we can find time to disconnect from the big chaos in the world right now and to focus on the goodness that the Earth gifts us everyday.

I found this gorgeous dandelion in my backyard yesterday. It’s so delicate and intriguing, a work of art from Nature. It made me smile and I felt gratitude towards the Earth, which, in spite of everything the humanity does to it, is still a beautiful place to be. 

Stay safe!

Monday Musings :: Reset

morning pages

I’m reading The four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. This book had been for months on my bedside table, but I was a little hesitant to start it. I do believe that the book finds you, not another way around! I knew I’d start it at the right time. Well, I did, and now I’m almost at the end. Not to be a spoiler, but the four agreements are:

  • Be impeccable with your word
  • Don’t take anything personally
  • Don’t make assumptions
  • Always do your best

The author goes deeper into each of these agreements and at the same time in a concise way, it’s like we are having a cuppa and he is an old friend.

“Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama.”

one of my 100 day project cards

“Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.”

I have concluded I need to reset! I need to end a few things that aren’t working for me anymore, and to start others that are in limbo waiting for an opportunity to show up.

“You can have many great ideas in your head, but what makes the difference is the action. Without action upon an idea, there will be no manifestation, no results, and no reward”

Have you read this book? If so, I’d like to hear about it. Have a great week!

Sunday Stills :: Planet Earth

simple breakfast

This week we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. During breakfast, I was thinking about which photo I should post today as a celebration. The answer was on my breakfast table!

Blueberry and coffee! I felt immense gratitude to the Earth for providing us with such wonderful fuel. Blueberry and all the fruits loaded with vitamins and fibres, coffee beans full of energy, and many other delicious and nutritious nourishment for our body and soul.

Sharing with Sunday Stills.

Nurt Thurs – Let go

“You must learn to let go. Release the stress.

You were never in control anyway.”

Steve Maraboli 

I’m feeling overwhelmed these days. I’ve many things to solve/check but the world has stopped. Online services have slowed down and phone calls aren’t answered. I’m still working full time from home and I’m trying to be as efficient as when I’m at the office. I get frustrated when I’m trying to do my job and I depend on another person/institution that isn’t doing the expected job. I know most of the employees are working from home, but at least try to do your best, if you can’t answer or solve the problem at that moment at least send a message acknowledging that received the email or the call and will take care of it later.

Sorry for the outburst, this week has been tough. I should learn with the quote above and let go!

Sharing with Nurturing Thursday.