27/30 – it’s the little things

I can’t believe it’s the last week of posting it’s the little things! I’m starting this week with lavender fragrance, isn’t it wonderful. My lavender bush is blooming and I can’t wait to make delicious things with the blossoms. I use them for tea, salads, and smoothies …, and I make many pouches loaded with the seeds to put in the drawers and closets.

Have a wonderful week!

18/30 – it’s the little things

Saturday morning laziness, isn’t it good? Saturday used to be the busiest day of the week for me when my kids were little. I had to take them to sports classes and camps, we had our weekly library visit, and I had to go grocery shopping, and plan the snacks for them to take to school the following week…

Now the kids aren’t kids anymore, young adults taking care of their own schedules. I’m enjoying the slow sipping of my coffee, writing, blogging and thinking about what I should do to enjoy this day. Of course, I still need to do grocery shopping, cook, do laundry and clean the house, but everything on my own time. No pressure!

Hubby found this feather in the backyard and saved it for me. Simple pleasures along the way. I took this photo yesterday, the pages are prettier than today’s where I have more scribbles than nice handwriting.

“Once she stopped rushing through life, she was amazed how much more life she had time for.”



first pages of 2022

Hello and Happy 2022 to you! If you are following for a while you know every year I choose a word to focus on during the year. It’s a tiny thing but always brings me back to the moment. This year I’ve chosen R E S P E C T.

Basically, RESPECT in relation to setting limits and boundaries for me. Setting barriers for protecting my values, mind and body.

In another hand, I need to give more space to my kids, young adults, to explore and to speak up their wishes and thoughts. I need to let go of my helicopter mother instinct. So, in this case, it is respecting their boundaries.

I’ve just come back from a long overseas trip. If you have noticed I haven’t posted for a while. I had many triggers during this trip, both physically and emotionally. I’m still processing them, but it’s clear that the lack of self-respect and boundaries is something I need to work on.

Journaling is my form of therapy. Using words or/and images I express myself and make sense of my thoughts. I’m pleased the page number for my first page of this year is the 100th. It has a feeling of resetting, starting anew. I used to have a new journal for the new year, but I’ve given up this habit. Now I just keep going with my pages, freedom of choice.

It’s wonderful to travel, to go away a little, but the best is to come back home, to come back to myself.

Hope you are home wherever you are!

Have you chosen a word for the new year?

