
peace in my garden

I’ve just read a lovely poem about calm in chaos by Judei Takali here. It’s exactly my feeling right now. I’ve been feeling exhausted, without a place to ground and to be myself. Yesterday was a lovely day, I was in my garden and these dandelions called my attention. When I looked at them, I saw the Buddha statue, in there, solid and peaceful, not because it is a statue, but the feeling that comes from it and what it represents. Nothing can go inside it and disturb its peace. I though I can reach this state of peace too, this calm that nothing can disturb. I know that my words sound crazy, but this is my feeling in the last few hours.

I’m going to make space to ground and to feel solid, and don’t let anything enter my being if it will not make me calm.

beauty in a garden nearby

I’ll invest in myself and I’ve already started it. I’m joining Michelle GD in her Just5Things course that starts tomorrow. Few minutes per day, making lists, and it will be the space to work on my ground and calm project. Like everything in life, we need practice and commitment, we can’t just say, ok, I’ll do this and that, everything needs work and discipline.

Nasmate and love your way!

Stay safe!
