on my bedside table

For the love of reading and books is the theme for Sunday Stills this week.

Books, I don’t know what I would do without them. They are everywhere at home and I always have one in my bag. They mean comfort, safety, distraction and knowledge. I read more than one at a time, at the moment I’m reading Daisy Jones & the Six, a great book if you love to know the minds of rock stars in the 70s. I’m also reading The Untethered Soul, a deep knowledge of thoughts and why some of them persist in our mind. It’s the second time I’m reading it. I got a copy last year at the library, I liked it so much that I got my own copy, and now I’m reading and highlighting the most touching paragraphs.

I’m going to start soon More Glimpses from my blogger friend Hugh Roberts. I’ve read the first one, Glimpses and I love it! Short stories mixing mystery, horror and always a surprise ending. I was blogging more often when Hug wrote it, so I followed all the steps he took to write his first book and I knew some of the stories. It was a pleasure to hold on my hands the final product. Now he has this second one, and I can’t wait to dig into it. To tell the truth, I couldn’t resist and I’ve already read the first story, I love it and it brought tears to my eyes. Hugh’s stories always surprise me.

Have a lovely Sunday, and if you care, let me know which book are you reading right now, so I can add to my list.

blue – haiga

blue immensity
from the skies to the oceans
you have all my heart
wondering what is hidden
beyond treasures and despair

it’s time for tanka tuesday, our own choice of words, for today i’ve chosen heart and despair.

i took this photo last week, the sky was so blue, no clouds around. i was waiting outdoors for my son to give me a ride and i was wondering what is beyond all this blue. not about the universe, planets, atmosphere and stuff, but about the mystery, the magic, what is there that we can’t see?

i wasn’t sure if it is appropriate to make a haiga using a tanka, instead a haiku, but i had more words and it wouldn’t fit as haiku, they needed to be written.

hope you have a great day!