Thanksgiving weekend

In Canada, we celebrate thanksgiving this weekend. It’s earlier than the USA thanksgiving celebration. We are up north and the harvest is already in full mode, soon it will be snowing and nothing else to harvest.

It’s a chilly day, 5C/41F this morning. I’m sitting in my living room trying to put words together for this post. Maybe a gratitude list, quotes, poems… not sure what to write.

“What if, today, we were grateful for everything?”

Charlie Brown

So, here are three things I’m grateful for at this moment:

  • Pumpkin pie season – I got the last one in my favourite bakery yesterday, I know they sell the pies as soon as they are ready, but I only had time to stop by later in the afternoon. The shelves were empty, only one pie was waiting for me.
  • Hearing from faraway friends they are ok in spite of the craziness in the world.
  • Making peace with myself, working on acceptance.

“Be present in all things and thankful for all things.”

Maya Angelou

Could you tell me one thing you are grateful today?

Happy Thanksgiving!