Tomorrow, an Etheree poem

new moon
a fresh start
a bright new year
and what to wish for?
a blank page, or canvas
to be overflowing with
delight, respect and boundaries
for now, twinkle lights and soft music
until tomorrow, always tomorrow

It’s 6 pm, Jan 2nd, Sunday, new moon. I’m in my living room looking at the Christmas tree and thinking that it is always about tomorrow. A new day, a new challenge, a new me, a new…, STOP! I told myself, this moment is what matters, the twinkle lights, the snow outdoors, the warmth of indoors. Words and verses are dancing in my mind, finding their way to the keyboard and this poem is born.

Tanka Tuesday, taste the rainbow for Jan 3rd. The colorful twinkle lights are the rainbow 🌈 in this poem. No photo, I leave to your imagination to compose the scene.

28 thoughts on “Tomorrow, an Etheree poem

  1. Stop stop stop …. I came across this little “image” thing on Pintrest at some point and it read: stop the glorification of busy. Your poem reminds me of this. Taking time to just be in the present, the moment, without the all too often mind chatter and clutter is truly a gift. And perhaps this is one of the “truths” of the holidays …. to stop and just know what simple moments, easier moments offer. Lovely poem. Hope the message you’ve transcribed fills your new year. 🙂

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    1. Yes, we need to stop and just be! I’m craving moments of being and simplicity, I’m tired of the craziness of the world and people always thinking that more is better. Thanks for the lovely comment, a wonderful year to you too!

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