Tanka Tuesday # Books

Books, Reading, Pages, Textbooks, Words
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Caressing the hands
Books and dreams feeding the mind
Dousing throughout the black ink 
Pure magic on the making

This week Tanka Tuesday is specific form, all about Tanka!

Colleen’s words about Tanka poetry:

TANKA IN ENGLISH: 5/7/5/7/7 or the s/l/s/l/l/ syllable structure. Your Tanka will comprise 5 lines written in the first-person point of view from the perspective of the poet.

When writing a Tanka, we consider the third line your “pivot,” but feel free to let it happen anywhere, or to exclude it. It is not mandatory. If you use a pivot, the meaning should apply to the first two lines, and the last two lines of your Tanka. Remember, we can read great tanka poems both forward and backward. ”