noticing # 70

I’m so glad to live in a world where there are Octobers

LM Montgomery

The weather was gorgeous this weekend, I had a long walk outdoors and I was so pleased to see beauty in every corner.

Like this visitor in our small bay. Blue heron birds generally stop by this time of the year during their migration to the south. It’s not easy to get them to be still for the photo, I think this one enjoyed all the attention.

“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I was a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns”

George Eliot

The trees are beautiful and graciously letting go of their leaves.

And the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep and Autumn was awakened

Raquel Franco

Glad I could enjoy this warm weekend outdoors, and I cleaned up the backyard and the barbecue as well. It’s time to turn my attention to indoors and inward to myself.

I hope you had a great weekend and a lovely starting of the week.

9 thoughts on “noticing # 70

  1. Aah! Finally I could free myself from social media, and find my way here.
    This post is so refreshing. I love to have a deeper perspective of your life on your blog… and on any blog really. On Instagram, there are only a few words and pictures, and I deeply crave a deeper kind of connection with others- but you already know that!
    Love your shots, the stillness in them, the colors, the light.
    We also have herons here, and I can see them often either on the water and in the fields- every day when I go for my Soul Walk in Nature. Much more often in the fields, really! These days they are starting to appear… and they will be there all Winter.
    Much love,
    Monica xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So nice to have you visiting me here! We are in need of deeper connections and blogging is a great way for it. I like IG, but the way the posts are appearing in my feed is getting boring. Let’s keep in touch! Hugs and love to you!


      1. Yes! To all of this!
        I really love blogging, it’s my most favorite medium that allows me to cultivate and share all of my passions! Being on IG was really taking a toll on me, being so sensitive, and pulling my attention in all directions, so that I was exhausted and had no energy and no time for blogging in the end, which was what I really wanted to do! How crazy is that?! Plus, I agree about the feed, it was much better years ago, before they changed. And the ads are really something I don’t want in my life! I don’t like Stories either, and don’t watch them as I’m too sensitive and they just overwhelm me.
        Yay for blogging and of course we’ll keep in touch!


  2. There are herons on the river where I row with my husband. They keep still when we go by in a boat, which they don’t see as threatening; but they won’t let anyone get close to them on the land.

    Liked by 2 people

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