
this week was a kind of should or shouldn’t, what if……. i felt disconnected of my true-self, i let people and circumstances take control of my wishes. my intuition was guiding me to one side and i went to another.

right now i have snow flakes dancing in front of me, my cup of coffee and it’s time to reset.

the words for tanka tuesday this week are follow and lead, synonyms only! I’ve chosen pursue and clues, added them together in a double etheree. hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!

breath, focus
moments and people
the message comes in clues
learn the rule of soul knowledge
shows up in mysterious ways
nothing should be able to steal it
it isn’t always clear at the moment
is whole,
the commitment
an empowered person
pursue it without limits
and keep your senses synchronized
confirming that you are in peace now
letting go of any expectation

16 thoughts on “rambling

      1. i think this gives us more focus on who we can be and not feel we are disappointing others. its a good thought Elizabeth, something i need to work on too.

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    1. i’m so happy to woke up and see this prettiness, we had higher temperatures this week, i wasn’t expecting snow this morning. it’s refreshing and good to remind me that there is always another day. yes, i’ll stay in the course. have a lovely day my friend 😘

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