Tanka Tuesday – Energy

Since today is a full moon, my poem has to be about her. I was waiting for the moon to rise and take the photo for the post. This moon is a supermoon and is called a snow moon.

View from my kitchen at 7 pm eastern time

Letting go of the sacred innocence
the soothing music of the forest
in the dark February sky
bathed in flower essence and
dressed in a silver dress
distressed wolves howling
full snow moon blooms
she is bold

The words for today are game and trouble so I’ve chosen bold and distressed as synonyms. I’m using the Etheree form of poetry.

Full moon blessing to you!

23 thoughts on “Tanka Tuesday – Energy

  1. We had clouds and snow and I missed the magic of the full snow moon. Thanks for sharing your photo and your words, which are full of the magic that we all sense when we gaze upon “Mother Moon’s” beauty. Haunting, lovely, and poetic. I love it! ❤

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